Surprise! No interview this month either! I promise to get it together soon, but if you are truly upset, email me and I can get you the list of artists that have refused, semi-completed or slacked on completing an interview – it is long and diverse and probably makes for one hell of a mixtape.

In the meantime, if you ever felt like contributing to the non-profit, non-commercial labor of love that is Yellow Green Red, why not take advantage of the yearly White Denim sale! I run both this site and that label, and could go for clearing out some stock while making room for new releases. If you trust my tastes on here, you will surely enjoy the records I actually spent thousands of dollars to birth into existence, or if you hate my taste, you can burn these records in effigy and post it to your social media accounts.

Here’s what I’m offering:
Aufgehoben Axiologue / Thermidor One Five 7″
Tin Man Scared LP
Will Over Matter Phenomenal Highways LP
King Blood Where Is He 7″
Veiled El Temps No Passa 12″
Young Trynas Probably Music 7″

All for the disturbingly low price of $20 PPD in the US, $40 PPD internationally. That’s three 7″s, two LPs and a 12″, and they are all fantastic, trust me. PayPal goes direct to, just note the “yearly sale” in the payment description. This sale only goes until June 1st, so please, take advantage now!