It was a gentlemen`s agreement, for example the pact between Italy and the United Kingdom of 2 January 1937, which preceded the Easter agreements. Since this is not a constraint, it is generally accepted that the incentive not to fail in a gentlemen`s agreement lies in the mutual convenience of respecting it (for example. B, the benefit to both parties or the limitation of damages or risks that, without the agreement, could be worse for both parties). A gentlemen`s agreement is an informal pact between two parties, usually written orally or less frequently. It is essentially based on the assumption that both parties will respect the word given to their honour because, unlike a formal contract, it cannot be defended in court. Results: 79421. Exactly: 79421. reaction time: 372 ms. . Frequent short phrases: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200, Plus.