In other words, the two sentences (7) and (8) would be interpreted in the same way, even if the second is clearly not gramma. When two distinct noun sentences, which are linked by one or the other, act as a subject, they generally adopt a singular verb in formal English: The fact that the subject-verbal agreement generally has no influence on the meaning or interpretation of certain sentences and that the possibility that the subject-verb agreement may seem useless from the Swedish point of view does not in any way mean that we can ignore the subject-verbal agreement. Writers, lecturers, readers and listeners may regret the all-too-frequent error in the following sentence: Rule 10. The word has been replaced by phrases that express a desire or that go against the fact: what all these words have in common when it comes to the subject-verb agreement is that the singular form adopts a singular concordance and that the plural form is pluralistic, whether the form in question accidentally ends in a -s or not. The fact that Swedish does not agree between subjects is of course one of the main reasons why Swedes often do not receive a proper agreement between specialized verbs when they speak and write in English. You also need to understand that extraordinary things can happen when Nov`s phrases are linked. Sometimes the related nominated sentences are considered a reference to a unit, in which case we get a single match, but if the two nominated sentences are actually considered a reference to two distinct entities/substances of any type, we get a pluralistic match (whether the nouns are such or incompetable). The following two examples illustrate this last point: Please note that an unfinished clause does not need to contain a subject. If we look at our first sentence above, we can conclude that it consists of three clauses, because it contains three predictive verbs, know, have and love.

The theme of the sentence is the rays (plural head noun), hence the plural verb, are. (50) [Egg and bacon] is now more expensive than fried chicken. Employees decide how to vote. Meticulous speakers and authors would avoid attributing the singular and plural they attribute to the stick in the same sentence. Article 9. Some collective nouns, such as family, couple, staff, public, etc., may accept either a singular or a plural verb, depending on the use of the phrase. This rule can cause shocks on the road. For example, if I am one of the two (or more) subjects, this could lead to this strange phrase: if two dependent clauses, z.B.

two unfinished dependent clauses are linked to each other with current entries as predictive verbs, and together form the subject, we get a pluralistic concordance, as in the following example: The rewriting of these phrases is recommended whenever it is possible. The previous sentence would be even better than: Another problem that the English face user is this: is the verb in a sentence with the noun (subject) in front of him or the noun or adjective after (supplement)? (18) [Five years] is the maximum penalty for this offence. Anyone who uses a plural verb with a collective noun must be careful to be precise – and also coherent.